MICE One Corporation 应用

第66回日本胸部外科学会定期学術集会 My Schedule 1.0.2
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第66回日本胸部外科学会定期学術集会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、定期学術集会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。< 第66回日本胸部外科学会定期学術集会 大会概要 >会期:2013年(平成25年)10月16日(水)~19日(土)会場:仙台国際センター、東北大学百周年記念会館 川内萩ホール---------------------------------------------My Schedule is the official Program search application for the 66thAnnual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Association for ThoracicSurgery, October 16 - 19, 2013, Sendai, Japan.Download the app for free and keep up to date on information.App features include:- Browse, search and view the programme- Create a personalized agenda- View maps to all conference venues at your fingertipsCongress Information:Date: October 16 - 19, 2013Venue: Sendai International Center, Tohoku University CentennialHall(Kawauchi Hagi Hall)---------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第67回日本胸部外科学会定期学術集会 My Schedule 1.0.1
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第67回日本胸部外科学会定期学術集会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。< 第67回日本胸部外科学会定期学術集会 大会概要 >会期:2014年9月30日(火)~10月3日(金)会場:福岡国際会議場、福岡サンパレス---------------------------------------------My Schedule is the official Program search application for the 67thAnnual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Association for ThoracicSurgery, September 30 - October 3, 2014, Fukuoka, Japan.Download the app for free and keep up to date on information.App features include:- Browse, search and view the programme- Create a personalized agenda- View maps to all conference venues at your fingertipsCongress Information:Date: September 30 - October 3, 2014Venue: Fukuoka International Congress Center, Fukuoka Sunpalace---------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第68回日本胸部外科学会定期学術集会 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第68回日本胸部外科学会定期学術集会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[第68回日本胸部外科学会定期学術集会 大会概要]会 期:2015年(平成27年) 10月17日(土)~20日(火)会 場:神戸ポートピアホテル/神戸国際展示場1号館---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 68th Annual Scientific Meetingof the Japanese Association for Thoracic Surgery (JATS68), findinformation on the sessions, and plan your entire visit with theofficial mobile app! This new mobile app features everything youneed to know about JATS68, in the palm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on JATS68.[The 68th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Associationfor Thoracic Surgery]Dates: October 17 (Sat.) - 20 (Tue.), 2015Venue: Kobe Portopia Hotel / Kobe International Exhibition Hall---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第52回日本リハビリテーション医学会学術集会 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第52回日本リハビリテーション医学会学術集会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[第52回日本リハビリテーション医学会学術集会 大会概要]会 期:2015年5月28日(木)~30日(土)会 場:朱鷺メッセ---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 52nd Annual Meeting of theJapanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine (JARM2015), findinformation on the sessions, and plan your entire visit with theofficial mobile app! This new mobile app features everything youneed to know about JARM2015, in the palm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on JARM2015.[The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association ofRehabilitation Medicine]Dates: May 28 (Thu) - 30 (Sat), 2015Venue: TOKI MESSE---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 52nd Meeting ofthe Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine mobileapplication for.By registering to search for sessions and presentations you want toattend as your schedule, you can create an original calendar inSociety period.[52nd Meeting of the Japanese Association of RehabilitationMedicine Tournament Summary  Kai Period: May 28, 2015 (Thursday) to 30(Saturday)  Venue: Toki Messe---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 52nd Annual Meeting of theJapanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine (JARM2015), findinformation on the sessions, and plan your entire visit with theofficial mobile app! This new mobile app features everything youneed to know about JARM2015 , in the palm of your hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, typeor title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent. + Plan your own personal program and organize your scheduleduring the Congress. + Receive the very latest congress information, withcomprehensive updates on JARM2015.[The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association ofRehabilitation Medicine]  Dates: May 28 (Thu) - 30 (Sat), 2015  Venue: TOKI MESSE---------------------------------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support is as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第43回日本脊椎脊髄病学会学術集会(JSSR2014) 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第43回日本脊椎脊髄病学会学術集会用モバイルアプリケーション(JSSR2014)です。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。< 第43回日本脊椎脊髄病学会学術集会 大会概要 >会期:2014年4月17日(木)~4月19日(土)会場:国立京都国際会館---------------------------------------------JSSR2014 My Schedule is the official Program search application forthe 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgeryand Related Research, April 17 - 19, 2014, Kyoto, Japan.Download the app for free and keep up to date on information.App features include:- Browse, search and view the programme- Create a personalized agenda- View maps to all conference venues at your fingertipsCongress Information:Date: April 17 - 19, 2014Venue: Kyoto International Conference Center---------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第43回日本救急医学会総会・学術集会 My Schedule 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第43回日本救急医学会総会・学術集会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[第43回日本救急医学会総会・学術集会 大会概要]会 期:2015年10月21日(水)~23日(金)会 場:東京国際フォーラム---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 43rd Annual Meeting of theJapanese Association for Acute Medicine, find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know about43JAAM, in the palm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on 43JAAM.[The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for AcuteMedicine]Dates: October 21 (Wed) - 23 (Fri), 2015Venue: Tokyo International Forum---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第20回日本乳癌学会学術総会 電子抄録アプリ 1.1
プログラム検索&スケジュール管理システム「Myスケジュール」は、学術総会用スケジュール管理アプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。また、学術総会ホームページよりパソコン版Myスケジュールもご利用いただけます。※抄録の閲覧にはパスワードが必要です。パスワードは第20回日本乳癌学会学術総会抄録集P.21に掲載していますので、ご確認ください。※スマートフォンのみ対応しております。ご了承ください。○開発・販売/サポート本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社マイス・ワン http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第21回日本摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学会学術大会 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第21回日本摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学会学術大会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[第21回日本摂食嚥下リハビリテーション学会学術大会 大会概要]会 期:2015年(平成27年) 9月11日(金)・12日(土)会 場:国立京都国際会館 / グランドプリンスホテル京都---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 21st Annual Meeting of theJapanese Society of Dysphagia Rehabilitation (JSDR2015), findinformation on the sessions, and plan your entire visit with theofficial mobile app! This new mobile app features everything youneed to know about JSDR2015, in the palm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on JSDR2015.[The 21st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of DysphagiaRehabilitation]Dates: Sep 11 (Fri) - 12 (Sat), 2015Venue: Kyoto International Conference Center / Grand Prince HotelKyoto---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 21th Japanswallowing Rehabilitation Society convention mobile applicationfor.By registering to search the sessions and presentations you want toattend as your schedule, you can create an original calendar inSociety period.[Times 21 Japan swallowing Rehabilitation Society tournamentTournament Summary  Kai Period: September 11, 2015 (Friday), 12(Saturday)  Venue: Kyoto International Conference Center / GrandPrince Hotel Kyoto---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 21st Annual Meeting of theJapanese Society of Dysphagia Rehabilitation (JSDR2015), findinformation on the sessions, and plan your entire visit with theofficial mobile app! This new mobile app features everything youneed to know about JSDR2015 , in the palm of your hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, typeor title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent. + Plan your own personal program and organize your scheduleduring the Congress. + Receive the very latest congress information, withcomprehensive updates on JSDR2015.[The 21st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of DysphagiaRehabilitation]  Dates: Sep 11 (Fri) - 12 (Sat), 2015  Venue: Kyoto International Conference Center / GrandPrince Hotel Kyoto---------------------------------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support are as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第59回日本透析医学会学術集会・総会 My Schedule 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第59回日本透析医学会学術集会・総会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学術集会・総会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。[第59回日本透析医学会学術集会・総会]会 期:2014年6月12日(木)~15日(日)※6月12日(木)は、常任理事会、理事会、通常総会(評議員のみ出席)のみです。会 場:神戸国際会議場・神戸国際展示場・神戸ポートピアホテルワールド記念ホール・クオリティホテル神戸---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 59th Congress of the JapaneseSociety for Dialysis Therapy, find information on the sessions, andplan your entire visit with the official JSDT2014 mobile app! Thisnew mobile app features everything you need to know about the 59thCongress of the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy, in the palmof your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on JSDT2014.[The 59th Congress of the Japanese Society for DialysisTherapy]Dates: June 12 (Thu) - 15 (Sun), 2014Venue: Kobe International Conference Center / Kobe InternationalExhibition Hall /Kobe Portopia Hotel / World Hall / Quality Hotel Kobe---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第75回日本血液学会学術集会 My Schedule 1.0.2
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第75回日本血液学会学術集会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学術集会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。< 第75回日本血液学会学術集会(JSH2013)大会概要 >会期:2013年10月11日(金)~13日(日)会場:ロイトン札幌・さっぽろ芸文館・札幌市教育文化会館---------------------------------------------My Schedule is the official Program search application for the 75thAnnual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Hematology (JSH2013),October 11-13, 2013, Sapporo, Japan.Download the app for free and keep up to date on information.App features include:- Browse, search and view the programme- Create a personalized agenda- View maps to all conference venues at your fingertipsCongress Information:Date: October 11-13, 2013Venue: Royton Sapporo / Sapporo Geibun-kan / Sapporo Education andCulture Hall---------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 75th JapanSociety of Hematology annual meeting mobile application for.By registering to find the sessions and presentations you want toattend as your schedule, the original calendar, you can createduring the academic meeting period. Since before the start of thesession that registered the alert is displayed, you do not have tomiss inadvertently listening to the session.<75th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of HematologyAnnual Meeting (JSH2013) tournament Overview>Dates: October 11, 2013 (Friday) to 13 (Sunday)Venue: Royton Sapporo, Sapporo art and literature museum, SapporoCity Education and Culture Center---------------------------------------------My Schedule is the official Program search application for the 75thAnnual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Hematology (JSH2013),October 11-13, 2013, Sapporo, Japan.Download the app for free and keep up to date on information.App features include: - Browse, search and view the programme - Create a personalized agenda - View maps to all conference venues at your fingertipsCongress Information:Date: October 11-13, 2013Venue: Royton Sapporo / Sapporo Geibun-kan / Sapporo Education andCulture Hall---------------------------------------------The developer of this application, sales / support is asfollows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第77回日本血液学会学術集会 My Schedule 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第77回日本血液学会学術集会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[第77回日本血液学会学術集会 大会概要]会 期:2015年 10月16日(金)~18日(日)会 場:石川県立音楽堂 / ANAクラウンプラザホテル金沢 / ホテル日航金沢 / ホテル金沢 / 金沢市アートホール /もてなしドーム---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 77th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Society of Hematology (JSH2015), find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know aboutJSH2015, in the palm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on JSH2015.[The 77th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Hematology(JSH2015)]Dates: Oct 16 (Fri) - 18 (Sun), 2015Venue: Ishikawa Ongakudo / ANA Crowne Plaza Kanazawa / Hotel NikkoKanazawa / Hotel Kanazawa / Kanazawa Art Hall / Motenashi Dome---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第69回日本臨床眼科学会 My Schedule 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第69回日本臨床眼科学会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、総会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。[第69回日本臨床眼科学会 大会概要]会 期:2015年10月22日(木)~10月25日(日)会 場:名古屋国際会議場、ANAクラウンプラザホテルグランコート名古屋---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 69th Annual Congress of theJapan Clinical Ophthalmology, find information on the sessions, andplan your entire visit with the official Ringan2015 mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know about the69th Annual Congress of the Japan Clinical Ophthalmology, in thepalm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on Ringan2015.[The 69th Annual Meeting of the Japanese DermatologicalAssociation]Dates: October 22 - 25, 2015Venue: Nagoya Congress Center, ANA CROWNE PLAZA HOTEL GRAND COURTNAGOYA---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 69th mobileapplications for the Japan Clinical Ophthalmology Society.By registering as a search for the sessions and presentations youwant to attend your schedule, you can create an original calendarof the General Assembly during the period.Since before the start of the registered session alert isdisplayed, you have never accidentally miss listening to thesession.[69th Japan Clinical Ophthalmology Society Summary  Kai Period: October 22, 2015 (Thursday) to October 25(Sun)  Venue: Nagoya Congress Center, ANA Crowne Plaza HotelGrand Court Nagoya---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 69th Annual Congress of theJapan Clinical Ophthalmology, find information on the sessions, andplan your entire visit with the official Ringan2015 mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know about the69th Annual Congress of the Japan Clinical Ophthalmology, in thepalm of your hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, typeor title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent. + Plan your own personal program and organize your scheduleduring the Congress. + Receive the very latest congress information, withcomprehensive updates on Ringan2015.[The 69th Annual Meeting of the Japanese DermatologicalAssociation]  Dates: October 22 - 25, 2015  Venue: Nagoya Congress Center, ANA CROWNE PLAZA HOTELGRAND COURT NAGOYA---------------------------------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support are as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
日本心理学会第77回大会 Myスケジュール 1.0
○アプリケーション概要プログラム検索&スケジュール管理システム「Myスケジュール」は、学術総会用スケジュール管理アプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。※抄録の閲覧にパスワードが必要です。パスワードはプログラム集に掲載していますので、ご確認ください。○開発・販売/サポート本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】 株式会社マイス・ワン http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第23回臨床内分泌代謝Update 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第23回臨床内分泌代謝Update用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。< 第23回臨床内分泌代謝Update 大会概要 >会期:2014年1月24日(金)~1月25日(土)会場:名古屋国際会議場---------------------------------------------My Schedule is the official Program search application for the 23rdJES Clinical Update on Endocrinology & Metabolism, January 24 -25, 2014, Nagoya, Japan.Download the app for free and keep up to date on information.App features include:- Browse, search and view the programme- Create a personalized agenda- View maps to all conference venues at your fingertipsCongress Information:Date: January 24 - 25, 2014Venue: Nagoya Congress Center---------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/
日本心理学会第78回大会 Myスケジュール 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、日本心理学会第78回大会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。[日本心理学会第78回大会 大会概要]会 期:2014年9月10日(水)~9月12日(金)会 場:同志社大学今出川キャンパス---------------------------------------------------------------------JPA2014 My Schedule is the official Program search application forthe 78th Annual Convention of the Japanese PsychologicalAssociation(JPA2014), September 10 – 12, 2014, Kyoto, Japan.Download the app for free and keep up to date on information.App features include:- Browse, search and view the programme- Create a personalized agenda- View maps to all conference venues at your fingertipsMeeting Information:Date: September 10 – 12, 2014Venue: Imadegawa Campus of Doshisha University---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the JapanesePsychological Association 78th mobile applications for thecompetition.By registering to search the sessions and presentations that youwant to attend as your schedule, you can create an originalcalendar in Society period.Because prior to the start of the registered session alert isdisplayed, I have never accidentally miss listening to the session.[Japanese Psychological Association 78th Annual ConferenceTournament Information]Kai Period: September 10, 2014 (Wed) - September 12 (gold)Venue: Doshisha University Imadegawa campus---------------------------------------------------------------------JPA2014 My Schedule is the official Program search application forthe 78th Annual Convention of the Japanese PsychologicalAssociation (JPA2014), September 10 - 12, 2014, Kyoto, Japan.Download the app for free and keep up to date on information.App features include: - Browse, search and view the programme - Create a personalized agenda - View maps to all conference venues at your fingertipsMeeting Information:Date: September 10 - 12, 2014Venue: Imadegawa Campus of Doshisha University---------------------------------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support is as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice Onehttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第58回日本透析医学会学術集会・総会 Myスケジュール 1.0.2
第69回日本消化器外科学会総会 My Schedule 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第69回日本消化器外科学会総会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。< 第69回日本消化器外科学会総会 大会概要 >会期:2014年7月16日(水)~7月18日(金)会場:郡山市民文化センター/ホテルハマツ/郡山総合体育館---------------------------------------------My Schedule is the official Program search application for the 69thGeneral Meeting of the Japanese Society of GastroenterologicalSurgery, July 16 - 18, 2014, Fukushima, Japan.Download the app for free and keep up to date on information.App features include:- Browse, search and view the programme- Create a personalized agenda- View maps to all conference venues at your fingertipsCongress Information:Date: July 16 - 18, 2014Venue: KORIYAMA City Cultural Center, HOTEL HAMATSU, KoriyamaGeneral Gymnasium---------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 69th JapaneseSociety of Gastroenterological Surgery meeting mobile applicationfor.By registering to search the sessions and presentations that youwant to attend as your schedule, you can create an originalcalendar in Society period. Because prior to the start of theregistered session alert is displayed, I have never accidentallymiss listening to the session.<69th Japanese Society of Gastroenterological Surgery meetingTournament Information>Dates: July 16, 2014 (Wed) - July 18 (gold)Venue: Koriyama Civic Cultural Center / Hotel Hamatsu / KoriyamaGymnasium---------------------------------------------My Schedule is the official Program search application for the 69thGeneral Meeting of the Japanese Society of GastroenterologicalSurgery, July 16 - 18, 2014, Fukushima, Japan.Download the app for free and keep up to date on information.App features include: - Browse, search and view the programme - Create a personalized agenda - View maps to all conference venues at your fingertipsCongress Information:Date: July 16 - 18, 2014Venue: KORIYAMA City Cultural Center, HOTEL HAMATSU, KoriyamaGeneral Gymnasium---------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support is as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
WOC 2014 1.0
Get the very latest news on WOC2014, findinformation on the sessions, and plan your entire visit with theofficial WOC2014 mobile app! This new mobile app featureseverything you need to know about World Ophthalmology Congress®2014, in the palm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Find your way around with maps to all congress venues.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on WOC2014 Tokyo.+ View the list of exhibitors with descriptions and contactdetails, find them on the floor map, and add them to youritinerary.[World Ophthalmology Congress® of the International Council ofOphthalmology]XXXIV International Congress of Ophthalmology29th Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress118th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Ophthalmological SocietyPlace: Tokyo, JapanDates: April 2-6, 2014Venue: Tokyo International Forum / Imperial Hotel, TokyoHost: Japanese Ophthalmological Society (JOS)Co-Host: Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO)Sponsor: International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO)
第45回日本動脈硬化学会総会・学術集会 Myスケジュール 1.0
○アプリケーション概要プログラム検索&スケジュール管理システム「Myスケジュール」は、学術総会用スケジュール管理アプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。※抄録の閲覧にパスワードが必要です。パスワードはポケットプログラムに掲載していますので、ご確認ください。○開発・販売/サポート本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】 株式会社マイス・ワン http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
日本臨床麻酔学会 第33回大会 Myスケジュール 1.0
日本放射線腫瘍学会第27回学術大会 My Schedule 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、日本放射線腫瘍学会第27回学術大会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[日本放射線腫瘍学会第27回学術大会 大会概要]会 期:2014年12月11日(木)~13日(土)会 場:パシフィコ横浜 会議センター・展示ホールA---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 27th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Society for Radiation Oncology, find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official JASTRO27mobile app! This new mobile app features everything you need toknow about the 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society forRadiation Oncology, in the palm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on JASTRO27.[The 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for RadiationOncology]Dates: December 11(Thur) - 13(Sat), 2014Venue: PACIFICO YOKOHAMA Convention Center and Exhibition Hall---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第44回日本脊椎脊髄病学会学術集会 My Schedule 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第44回日本脊椎脊髄病学会学術集会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[ 第44回日本脊椎脊髄病学会学術集会 大会概要 ]会 期:2015年4月16日(木)~18日(土)会 場:福岡国際会議場---------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 44th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research(JSSR2015),find information on the sessions, and plan your entire visit withthe official mobile app! This new mobile app features everythingyou need to know about JSSR2015, in the palm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on JSSR2015.[Congress Information]Dates: April 16-18, 2015Venue: Fukuoka International Congress Center---------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 44th Japan spinaldisease Society meeting mobile application for.By registering to search the sessions and presentations that youwant to attend as your schedule, you can create an originalcalendar in Society period.[44th Japan spinal disease Society meeting TournamentInformation]Kai Period: April 16, 2015 (Thursday) to 18 (Saturday)Venue: Fukuoka International Conference Hall---------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 44th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research (JSSR2015),find information on the sessions, and plan your entire visit withthe official mobile app! This new mobile app features everythingyou need to know about JSSR2015, in the palm of your hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, typeor title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent. + Plan your own personal program and organize your scheduleduring the Congress. + Receive the very latest congress information, withcomprehensive updates on JSSR2015.[Congress Information]  Dates: April 16-18, 2015  Venue: Fukuoka International Congress Center---------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support is as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第88回日本薬理学会年会 My Schedule 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第88回日本薬理学会年会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[第88回日本薬理学会年会 大会概要]会 期:2015年3月18日(水)~20日(金)会 場:名古屋国際会議場---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 88th Annual Meeting of TheJapanese Pharmacological Society (JPS2015), find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know aboutJPS2015, in the palm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on JPS2015.[The 88th Annual Meeting of The Japanese PharmacologicalSociety]Dates: March 18(Wed.) - 20(Fri.), 2015Venue: Nagoya Congress Center---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 88thNihon'yakurigakkai mobile application for annual membership.By registering to search the sessions and presentations that youwant to attend as your schedule, you can create an originalcalendar in Society period.[88th Nihon'yakurigakkai annual Tournament Information]  Kai Period: March 18, 2015 (water) to 20 (Fri.)  Venue: Nagoya Congress Center---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 88th Annual Meeting of TheJapanese Pharmacological Society (JPS2015), find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know aboutJPS2015, in the palm of your hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, typeor title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent. + Plan your own personal program and organize your scheduleduring the Congress.  + Receive the very latest congress information, withcomprehensive updates on JPS2015.[The 88th Annual Meeting of The Japanese PharmacologicalSociety]  Dates: (. Wed) - (. Fri) March 18 20, 2015  Venue: Nagoya Congress Center---------------------------------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support is as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第111回日本皮膚科学会総会 電子抄録アプリ 1.0.1
第111回日本皮膚科学会総会 Myアブストラクト (Androidスマートフォン版)○アプリケーション概要プログラム検索&スケジュール管理システム「Myアブストラクト」は、学会総会用スケジュール管理アプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。※抄録の閲覧にはパスワードが必要です。パスワードは「日本皮膚科学会雑誌第122巻6号」に同封されているリーフレット、または会場でお配りしている「ポケットプログラム」に掲載していますので、ご確認ください。○開発・販売/サポート本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社マイス・ワン http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第114回日本皮膚科学会総会 My Abstract 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「Myアブストラクト」は、第114回日本皮膚科学会総会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、総会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[第114回日本皮膚科学会総会 大会概要]会 期:2015年5月29日(金)~5月31日(日)会 場:パシフィコ横浜 会議センター・展示ホールAB---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 114th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Dermatological Association(JDA), find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official JDA2015mobile app! This new mobile app features everything you need toknow about the 114th Annual Meeting of the Japanese DermatologicalAssociation, in the palm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on JDA2015.[The 114th Annual Meeting of the Japanese DermatologicalAssociation]Dates: May 29 - 31, 2015Venue: PACIFICO YOKOHAMA Convention Center and Exhibition Hall---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program search &schedule registration system "My abstract" is the 114th mobileapplications for the Japanese Dermatological Association generalmeeting.By registering to find the sessions and presentations you want toattend as your schedule, you can create an original calendar of theGeneral Assembly during the period.[114th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Dermatological AssociationGeneral Assembly Tournament Summary  Kai Period: May 29, 2015 (Friday) to May 31, (in theday)  Venue: Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center ExhibitionHall AB---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 114th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Dermatological Association (JDA), find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official JDA2015mobile app! This new mobile app features everything you need toknow about the 114th Annual Meeting of the Japanese DermatologicalAssociation, in the palm of your hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, typeor title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent. + Plan your own personal program and organize your scheduleduring the Congress. + Receive the very latest congress information, withcomprehensive updates on JDA2015.[The 114th Annual Meeting of the Japanese DermatologicalAssociation]  Dates: May 29 - 31, 2015  Venue: PACIFICO YOKOHAMA Convention Center andExhibition Hall---------------------------------------------------------------------The developer of this application, sales / support is asfollows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第114回日本外科学会定期学術集会(JSS2014) 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第114回日本外科学会定期学術集会用モバイルアプリケーション(JSS2014)です。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。< 第114回日本外科学会定期学術集会 大会概要 >会期:2014年4月3日(木)~4月5日(土)会場:国立京都国際会館/グランドプリンスホテル京都---------------------------------------------My Schedule is the official Program search application for the114th Annual Congress of Japan Surgical Society(JSS2014), April 3 -5, 2014, Kyoto, Japan.Download the app for free and keep up to date on information.App features include:- Browse, search and view the programme- Create a personalized agenda- View maps to all conference venues at your fingertipsCongress Information:Date: April 3 - 5, 2014Venue: Kyoto International Conference Center, Grand Prince HotelKyoto---------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is a 114th JapanSurgical Society of regular annual meeting mobile application for(JSS2014).By searching the sessions and presentations you want to attend toregister as your schedule, you can create an original calendar inthe Society of the period. Since before the start of the sessionthat registered the alert is displayed, you do not have to missinadvertently listening to the session.<114th Japan Surgical Society of regular annual meetingtournament Overview>Dates: April 3rd, 2014 (Thursday) to April 5th (Sat)Venue: Kyoto International Conference Center / Grand Prince HotelKyoto---------------------------------------------My Schedule is the official Program search application for the114th Annual Congress of Japan Surgical Society (JSS2014), April 3- 5, 2014, Kyoto, Japan.Download the app for free and keep up to date on information.App features include: - Browse, search and view the programme - Create a personalized agenda - View maps to all conference venues at your fingertipsCongress Information:Date: April 3 - 5, 2014Venue: Kyoto International Conference Center, Grand Prince HotelKyoto---------------------------------------------The developer of this application, sales / support is asfollows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第113回日本皮膚科学会総会 My Abstract 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「Myアブストラクト」は、第113回日本皮膚科学会総会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、総会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。[第113回日本皮膚科学会総会 大会概要]会 期:2014年5月30日(金)~6月 1日(日)会 場:国立京都国際会館---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 113th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Dermatological Association(JDA), find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official JDA2014mobile app! This new mobile app features everything you need toknow about the 113th Annual Meeting of the Japanese DermatologicalAssociation, in the palm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on JDA2014.[The 113th Annual Meeting of the Japanese DermatologicalAssociation]Dates: May 30 - June 1, 2014Venue: Kyoto International Conference Center---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第25回日本医療薬学会年会 要旨集アプリ 1.1
本アプリは、第25回日本医療薬学会年会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[第25回日本医療薬学会年会 大会概要]会 期:2015年11月21日(土)~23日(月・祝)会 場:パシフィコ横浜---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 25th Annual Meeting of the JapaneseSociety of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences, findinformation on the sessions, and plan your entire visit with theofficial 25JSPHCS mobile app! This new mobile app featureseverything you need to know about the 25th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Society of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences, in thepalm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on 25JSPHCS.[The 25th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society ofPharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences]Dates: November 21(Sat.) - 23(Mon.), 2015Venue: PACIFICO Yokohama---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/This application is the25th Japanese medical drugs mobile application for Society annualmeeting.By registering to search the sessions and presentations you want toattend as your schedule, you can create an original calendar inSociety period.[25th Annual Meeting of the Japanese medical PharmaceuticalSociety annual convention Summary  Kai Period: November 21, 2015 (Sat) to 23 (Mon)  Venue: Pacifico Yokohama---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 25th Annual Meeting of the JapaneseSociety of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences, findinformation on the sessions, and plan your entire visit with theofficial 25JSPHCS mobile app! This new mobile app featureseverything you need to know about the 25th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Society of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences, in thepalm of your hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, typeor title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent. + Plan your own personal program and organize your scheduleduring the Congress. + Receive the very latest congress information, withcomprehensive updates on 25JSPHCS.[The 25th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society ofPharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences]  Dates: (. Sat) - (. Mon) November 21 23, 2015  Venue: PACIFICO Yokohama---------------------------------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support are as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第51回日本医学放射線学会秋季臨床大会 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第51回日本医学放射線学会秋季臨床大会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[第51回日本医学放射線学会秋季臨床大会 大会概要]会 期:2015年 10月2日(金)~4日(日)会 場:アイーナ(いわて県民情報交流センター) / マリオス(盛岡市民文化ホール)---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 51st Autumn Assembly of theJapan Radiological Society (JRS51), find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know aboutJRS51, in the palm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on JRS51.[The 51st Autumn Assembly of the Japan RadiologicalSociety]Dates: Oct 2 (Fri) - 4 (Sun), 2015Venue: aiina / MALIOS---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 51st JapanRadiological Society of Autumn clinical tournament mobileapplication for.By registering to search the sessions and presentations you want toattend as your schedule, you can create an original calendar inSociety period.[51st Japan Radiological Society of Fall clinical tournamentTournament Summary  Kai Period: October 2, 2015 (Friday) to 4(Sunday)  Venue: Aina (Iwate Prefectural Information ExchangeCenter) / Marios (Morioka Civic Cultural Hall)---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 51st Autumn Assembly of theJapan Radiological Society (JRS51), find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know aboutJRS51, in the palm of your hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, typeor title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent. + Plan your own personal program and organize your scheduleduring the Congress. + Receive the very latest congress information, withcomprehensive updates on JRS51.[The 51st Autumn Assembly of the Japan RadiologicalSociety]  Dates: Oct 2 (Fri) - 4 (Sun), 2015  Venue: aiina / MALIOS---------------------------------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support are as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第71回日本癌学会学術総会 Myスケジュール 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール管理システム「Myスケジュール」は、学術総会用スケジュール管理アプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。※抄録の閲覧にパスワードが必要です。パスワードは一斉送信メールに掲載していますので、ご確認ください。※スマートフォンのみ対応しております。ご了承ください。○開発・販売/サポート本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社マイス・ワン http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第67回日本臨床眼科学会 My Schedule 1.0.1
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第67回日本臨床眼科学会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。< 第67回日本臨床眼科学会 大会概要 >会期:2013年10月31日(木)~11月3日(日)会場:パシフィコ横浜---------------------------------------------My Schedule is the official Program search application for the 67thAnnual Congress of Japan Clinical Ophthalmology, October 31-November 3, 2013, Yokohama, Japan.Download the app for free and keep up to date on information.App features include:- Browse, search and view the programme- Create a personalized agenda- View maps to all conference venues at your fingertipsCongress Information:Date: October 31- November 3, 2013Venue: Pacifico Yokohama---------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第68回日本臨床眼科学会 My Schedule 1.0
聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[第68回日本臨床眼科学会 大会概要]会 期:2014年11月13日(木)~11月16日(日)会 場:神戸ポートピアホテル / 神戸国際展示場---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 68th Annual Congress of JapanClinical Ophthalmology, find information on the sessions, and planyour entire visit with the official Ringan2014 mobile app! This newmobile app features everything you need to know about the 68thAnnual Congress of Japan Clinical Ophthalmology, in the palm ofyour hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Find your way around with maps to all congress venues.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on Ringan2014.+ View the list of exhibitors with descriptions and contactdetails, find them on the floor map, and add them to youritinerary.[The 68th Annual Congress of Japan Clinical Ophthalmology]Dates: November 13(Thu) - 16(Sun), 2014Venue: Kobe Portopia Hotel / Kobe International Exhibition Hall---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/By registering to searchthe sessions and presentations that you want to attend as yourschedule, you can create an original calendar in Society period.[Times 68th Japan Clinical Ophthalmology Society Summary  Kai Period: November 13, 2014 (Thursday) - November 16(Sun)  Venue: Kobe Portopia Hotel / Kobe InternationalExhibition Hall---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 68th Annual Congress of JapanClinical Ophthalmology, find information on the sessions, and planyour entire visit with the official Ringan2014 mobile app! This newmobile app features everything you need to know about the 68thAnnual Congress of Japan Clinical Ophthalmology, in the palm ofyour hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, typeor title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent. + Plan your own personal program and organize your scheduleduring the Congress. + Find your way around with maps to all congressvenues. + Receive the very latest congress information, withcomprehensive updates on Ringan2014. + View the list of exhibitors with descriptions and contactdetails, find them on the floor map, and add them to youritinerary.[The 68th Annual Congress of Japan Clinical Ophthalmology]  Dates: November 13 (Thu) - 16 (Sun), 2014  Venue: Kobe Portopia Hotel / Kobe InternationalExhibition Hall---------------------------------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support is as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第28回日本臨床整形外科学会学術集会 維新学会・山口 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第28回日本臨床整形外科学会学術集会 維新学会・山口 用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[ 第28回日本臨床整形外科学会学術集会 維新学会・山口 開催概要]会 期:2015年7月19日(日)~20日(月・祝)会 場:海峡メッセ下関、下関市生涯学習プラザ---------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 28th annual meeting of theJapanese Clinical Orthopaedic Association(JCOA2015), findinformation on the sessions, and plan your entire visit with theofficial mobile app! This new mobile app features everything youneed to know about JCOA2015, in the palm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on JCOA2015.[Congress Information]Dates: July 19-20, 2015Venue: Kaikyo Messe Shimonoseki, Shimonoseki City Lifelong LearningPlaza---------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第16回日本褥瘡学会学術集会 My Schedule 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第16回日本褥瘡学会学術集会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。< 第16回日本褥瘡学会学術集会 大会概要 >会期:2014年8月29日(金)~8月30日(土)会場:名古屋国際会議場---------------------------------------------My Schedule is the official Program search application for the 16thAnnual Congress of Japanese Society of Pressure Ulcers, August 29 -30, 2014, Nagoya, Japan.Download the app for free and keep up to date on information.App features include:- Browse, search and view the programme- Create a personalized agenda- View maps to all conference venues at your fingertipsCongress Information:Date: August 29 - 30, 2014Venue: Nagoya Congress Center---------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 16th AnnualMeeting of the Japanese Society of decubitus meeting mobileapplication for.By registering to search the sessions and presentations that youwant to attend as your schedule, you can create an originalcalendar in Society period. Because prior to the start of theregistered session alert is displayed, I have never accidentallymiss listening to the session.<16th Japan decubitus Society meeting TournamentInformation>Dates: August 29, 2014 (Friday) - August 30 (Sat)Venue: Nagoya Congress Center---------------------------------------------My Schedule is the official Program search application for the 16thAnnual Congress of Japanese Society of Pressure Ulcers, August 29 -30, 2014, Nagoya, Japan.Download the app for free and keep up to date on information.App features include: - Browse, search and view the programme - Create a personalized agenda - View maps to all conference venues at your fingertipsCongress Information:Date: August 29 - 30, 2014Venue: Nagoya Congress Center---------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support is as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第74回日本癌学会学術総会 My Schedule 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第74回日本癌学会学術総会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学術総会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[第74回日本癌学会学術総会 開催概要]会 期:2015年10月8日(木)~10日(土)会 場:名古屋国際会議場---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 74th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Cancer Association, find information on the sessions, andplan your entire visit with the official JCA2015 mobile app! Thisnew mobile app features everything you need to know about the 74thAnnual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, in the palm ofyour hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on JCA2015.[The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese CancerAssociation]Dates: October 8 (Thu.)-10 (Sat.), 2015Venue: Nagoya Congress Center---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 74th AnnualMeeting of the Japanese Cancer Association mobile applicationfor.By registering to search the sessions and presentations you want toattend as your schedule, you can create an original calendar in theAnnual Meeting of the period.[74th Japanese Cancer Society General Meeting Summary  Kai Period: October 8, 2015 (Thursday) to 10(Saturday)  Venue: Nagoya Congress Center---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 74th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Cancer Association, find information on the sessions, andplan your entire visit with the official JCA2015 mobile app! Thisnew mobile app features everything you need to know about the 74thAnnual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, in the palm ofyour hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, typeor title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent. + Plan your own personal program and organize your scheduleduring the Congress. + Receive the very latest congress information, withcomprehensive updates on JCA2015.[The 74th Annual Meeting of the Japanese CancerAssociation]  Dates: (. Thu) October 8 - 10 (Sat.), 2015  Venue: Nagoya Congress Center---------------------------------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support are as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第104回日本病理学会総会 My Schedule 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第104回日本病理学会総会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[第104回日本病理学会総会 大会概要]会 期:2015年4月30日(木)~5月2日(土)会 場:名古屋国際会議場---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 104th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Society of Pathology (JSP2015), find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know aboutJSP2015, in the palm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on JSP2015.[The 104th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society ofPathology]Dates: April 30(Thursday) - May 2(Saturday), 2015Venue: Nagoya Congress Center---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 104th AnnualMeeting of the Japanese Society of Pathology meeting mobileapplication for.By registering to search the sessions and presentations that youwant to attend as your schedule, you can create an originalcalendar in Society period.[104th Japan Pathology Society meeting TournamentInformation]  Kai Period: April 30, 2015 (Thursday) - May 2(Sat)  Venue: Nagoya Congress Center---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 104th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Society of Pathology (JSP2015), find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know aboutJSP2015, in the palm of your hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, typeor title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent. + Plan your own personal program and organize your scheduleduring the Congress. + Receive the very latest congress information, withcomprehensive updates on JSP2015.[The 104th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society ofPathology]  Dates: April 30 (Thursday) - May 2 (Saturday),2015  Venue: Nagoya Congress Center---------------------------------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support is as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第102回 日本病理学会総会 MySchedule 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール管理システム「MySchedule」は、学術集会用スケジュール管理アプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。※抄録の閲覧にパスワードが必要です。パスワードは、日本病理学会会誌 第102巻 第1号 の 12 ページをご参照ください。※スマートフォンのみ対応しております。ご了承ください。Program search andschedule management system "MySchedule" is a scientific meeting forschedule management application.By searching the sessions and presentations you want to attend toregister as your schedule, you can create an original calendar inthe Society of the period. Since before the start of the sessionthat registered the alert is displayed, you do not have to missinadvertently listening to the session.※ password is required to view the Abstract. Password, please referto page 12 of the Japanese Society of Pathology Journal No. 102,Volume No. 1.※ We support only smartphone. Please note.
第103回日本泌尿器科学会総会 My Schedule 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第103回日本泌尿器科学会総会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[第103回日本泌尿器科学会総会 大会概要]会 期:2015年4月18日(土)~21日(火)会 場:石川県立音楽堂・ANAクラウンプラザホテル金沢・ホテル日航金沢 他---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 103rd Annual Meeting of theJapanese Urological Association (JUA2015), find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know aboutJUA2015, in the palm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Find your way around with maps to all congress venues.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on JUA2015.[The 103rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Urological Association(JUA2015)]Dates: March 18(Sat.) - 21(Tue.), 2015Venue: Ishikawa Ongakudo, ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel Kanazawa etc.---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 103rd AnnualMeeting of the Japanese Urological Association meeting mobileapplication for.By registering to search the sessions and presentations that youwant to attend as your schedule, you can create an originalcalendar in Society period.[103rd Japan Urological Association meeting TournamentInformation]  Kai Period: April 18, 2015 (Saturday) to 21(Tuesday)  Venue: Ishikawa Ongakudō · ANA Crowne Plaza HotelKanazawa Hotel Nikko Kanazawa other---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 103rd Annual Meeting of theJapanese Urological Association (JUA2015), find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know aboutJUA2015, in the palm of your hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, typeor title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent. + Plan your own personal program and organize your scheduleduring the Congress. + Find your way around with maps to all congressvenues. + Receive the very latest congress information, withcomprehensive updates on JUA2015.[The 103rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Urological Association(JUA2015)]  Dates: (. Sat) - (. Tue) March 18 21, 2015  Venue: Ishikawa Ongakudo, ANA Crowne Plaza HotelKanazawa etc.---------------------------------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support is as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第69回日本食道学会学術集会 My Schedule 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第69回日本食道学会学術集会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[第69回日本食道学会学術集会 大会概要]会 期:2015年7月2日(木)~3日(金)会 場:パシフィコ横浜 会議センター---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 69th Annual Meeting of the JapanEsophageal Society, find information on the sessions, and plan yourentire visit with the official mobile app! This new mobile appfeatures everything you need to know about JES69, in the palm ofyour hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on JES69.[The 69th Annual Meeting of the Japan Esophageal Society]Dates: July 2 (Thu) - 3 (Fri), 2015Venue: PACIFICO Yokohama Conference Center---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 69th Japanesophagus Society meeting mobile application for.By registering to search for sessions and presentations you want toattend as your schedule, you can create an original calendar inSociety period.[69th Japan esophagus Society meeting Tournament Summary  Kai Period: July 2, 2015 (Thursday) to 3 (Fri.)  Venue: Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 69th Annual Meeting of the JapanEsophageal Society, find information on the sessions, and plan yourentire visit with the official mobile app! This new mobile appfeatures everything you need to know about JES69, in the palm ofyour hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, typeor title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent. + Plan your own personal program and organize your scheduleduring the Congress. + Receive the very latest congress information, withcomprehensive updates on JES69.[The 69th Annual Meeting of the Japan Esophageal Society]  Dates: July 2 (Thu) - 3 (Fri), 2015  Venue: PACIFICO Yokohama Conference Center---------------------------------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support is as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第54回日本臨床細胞学会秋期大会 My Schedule 1.1
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第54回日本臨床細胞学会秋期大会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[第54回日本臨床細胞学会秋期大会 大会概要]会 期:平成27年11月21日(土)・22日(日)会 場:名古屋国際会議場---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 54th Annual Autumn Meeting ofthe Japanese Society of Clinical Cytology, find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official JSCC54ATMmobile app! This new mobile app features everything you need toknow about the 54th Annual Autumn Meeting of the Japanese Societyof Clinical Cytology, in the palm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on JSCC54ATM.[The 54th Annual Autumn Meeting of the Japanese Society ofClinical Cytology]Dates: Nov 21 (Sat) to 22 (Sun), 2015Venue: Nagoya Congress Center---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 54th JapaneseSociety of Clinical Cytology Autumn tournament mobile applicationfor.By registering to search the sessions and presentations you want toattend as your schedule, you can create an original calendar inSociety period.[54th Japanese Society of Clinical Cytology Autumn tournamentTournament Summary  Kai Period: November 21, 2015 (Sat), 22 (Sunday)  Venue: Nagoya Congress Center---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 54th Annual Autumn Meeting ofthe Japanese Society of Clinical Cytology, find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official JSCC54ATMmobile app! This new mobile app features everything you need toknow about the 54th Annual Autumn Meeting of the Japanese Societyof Clinical Cytology, in the palm of your hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, typeor title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent. + Plan your own personal program and organize your scheduleduring the Congress. + Receive the very latest congress information, withcomprehensive updates on JSCC54ATM.[The 54th Annual Autumn Meeting of the Japanese Society ofClinical Cytology]  Dates: Nov 21 (Sat) to 22 (Sun), 2015  Venue: Nagoya Congress Center---------------------------------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support are as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第113回日本外科学会定期学術集会 Myスケジュール 1.0
○アプリケーション概要プログラム検索&スケジュール管理システム「Myスケジュール」は、学術集会用スケジュール管理アプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学術集会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。※My スケジュールのご利用にはパスワードの入力が必要です。パスワードは第113回定期学術集会抄録集<日本外科学会雑誌 第114巻臨時増刊号(2)>P.21をご参照ください。
第30回NPO法人日本脳神経血管内治療学会学術総会 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「My Schedule」は、第30回NPO法人日本脳神経血管内治療学会学術総会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。< 第30回NPO法人 日本脳神経血管内治療学会学術総会 大会概要 >会期:2014年12月4日(木)~6日(土)会場:パシフィコ横浜 会議センター---------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 30th Annual Meeting of The JapaneseSociety for Neuroendovascular Therapy, find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know about the30th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for NeuroendovascularTherapy, in the palm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on JSNET2014.Congress Information:Dates: December 4 - 6, 2014Venue: PACIFICO Yokohama---------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 30th NPO Japancranial nerve endovascular treatment Society Meeting mobileapplications for.By registering to search the sessions and presentations that youwant to attend as your schedule, you can create an originalcalendar in Society period.<30th NPO Japan cranial nerve endovascular treatment Societymeeting Tournament Information>Dates: December 4, 2014 (Thursday) to 6 (Saturday)Venue: Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center---------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 30th Annual Meeting of The JapaneseSociety for Neuroendovascular Therapy, find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know about the30th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for NeuroendovascularTherapy, in the palm of your hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, typeor title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent. + Plan your own personal program and organize your scheduleduring the Congress. + Receive the very latest congress information, withcomprehensive updates on JSNET2014.Congress Information:Dates: December 4 - 6, 2014Venue: PACIFICO Yokohama---------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support is as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第29回NPO法人日本脳神経血管内治療学会学術総会 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「My Schedule」は、第29回NPO法人日本脳神経血管内治療学会学術総会(JSNET2013)用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。< 第29回NPO法人 日本脳神経血管内治療学会学術総会 大会概要 >会期:2013年11月21日(木)~11月23日(土)会場:朱鷺メッセ 新潟コンベンションセンター---------------------------------------------My Schedule is the official Program search application for The 29thAnnual Meeting of The Japanese Society for NeuroendovascularTherapy (JSNET2013), November 21 - 23, 2013, Niigata, Japan.Download the app for free and keep up to date on information.App features include:- Browse, search and view the programme- Create a personalized agenda- View maps to all conference venues at your fingertipsJSNET2013 Congress Information:Date: November 21 - 23, 2013Venue: TOKI MESSE - Niigata Convention Center---------------------------------------------
第46回日本動脈硬化学会総会・学術集会 Myスケジュール 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第46回日本動脈硬化学会総会・学術集会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、総会・学術集会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。< 第46回日本動脈硬化学会総会・学術集会 大会概要 >会期:2014年7月10日(木)・7月11日(金)会場:京王プラザホテル(新宿・東京)---------------------------------------------JAS2014 My Schedule is the official Program search application forthe 46th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan AtherosclerosisSociety (JAS2014), July 10 - 11, 2014, Tokyo, Japan.Download the app for free and keep up to date on information.App features include:- Browse, search and view the programme- Create a personalized agenda- View maps to all conference venues at your fingertipsMeeting Information:Date: July 10 - 11, 2014Venue: Keio Plaza Hotel (Shinjuku, Tokyo)Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 46th JapanAtherosclerosis Society meeting and academic meeting mobileapplication for.By registering as a search for the sessions and presentations thatyou want to attend your schedule, you can create an originalcalendar in the General Assembly and academic meeting period.Because prior to the start of the registered session alert isdisplayed, I have never accidentally miss listening to the session.<46th Japan Atherosclerosis Society meeting and academicmeetings Tournament Information>Dates: July 10, 2014 (Thursday), July 11 (gold)Venue: Keio Plaza Hotel (Shinjuku, Tokyo)---------------------------------------------JAS2014 My Schedule is the official Program search application forthe 46th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japan AtherosclerosisSociety (JAS2014), July 10 - 11, 2014, Tokyo, Japan.Download the app for free and keep up to date on information.App features include: - Browse, search and view the programme - Create a personalized agenda - View maps to all conference venues at your fingertipsMeeting Information:Date: July 10 - 11, 2014Venue: Keio Plaza Hotel (Shinjuku, Tokyo)
第55回日本神経学会学術大会 My Schedule 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第55回日本神経学会学術大会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学術総会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。[第55回日本神経学会学術大会 大会概要]会 期:2014年5月21日(水)~5月24日(土)会 場:福岡国際会議場、福岡サンパレス、福岡国際センター---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 55th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Society of Neurology, find information on the sessions,and plan your entire visit with the official NEURO55 mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know about the55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neurology, in thepalm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on NEURO55.[The 55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society ofNeurology]Dates: May 21(Wed) to 24(Sat) , 2014Venue: Fukuoka International Congress Center / Fukuoka Sunpalace /Fukuoka Kokusai Center---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 55th AnnualMeeting of the Japanese Society of Neurology Scientific Meetingmobile application for.By registering to search the sessions and presentations that youwant to attend as your schedule, you can create an originalcalendar in academic meeting period.Because prior to the start of the registered session alert isdisplayed, I have never accidentally miss listening to the session.[55th Japanese Society of Neurology Scientific MeetingTournament Information]  Kai Period: May 21, 2014 (Wed) - May 24 (Sat)  Venue: Fukuoka International Congress Center, FukuokaSun Palace, Fukuoka International Center---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 55th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Society of Neurology, find information on the sessions,and plan your entire visit with the official NEURO55 mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know about the55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neurology, in thepalm of your hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, typeor title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent. + Plan your own personal program and organize your scheduleduring the Congress. + Receive the very latest congress information, withcomprehensive updates on NEURO55.[The 55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society ofNeurology]  Dates: May 21 (Wed) to 24 (Sat), 2014  Venue: Fukuoka International Congress Center / FukuokaSunpalace / Fukuoka Kokusai Center---------------------------------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support is as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第33回日本脳神経外科コングレス総会 Myスケジュール 1.0
○アプリケーション概要プログラム検索&スケジュール管理システム「Myスケジュール」は、総会用スケジュール管理アプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、総会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。※My スケジュールのご利用にはパスワードの入力が必要です。パスワードは<脳神経外科ジャーナル 総会プログラム号 Vol.22Supplement May 2013> P.10をご参照ください。
第56回日本神経学会学術大会 My Schedule 1.0.1
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第56回日本神経学会学術大会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学術総会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[第56回日本神経学会学術大会 大会概要]会 期:2015年5月20日(水) ~ 23日(土)会 場:朱鷺メッセ (新潟コンベンションセンター)、ホテル日航新潟---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 56th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Society of Neurology, find information on the sessions,and plan your entire visit with the official NEURO56 mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know about the56th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neurology, in thepalm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on NEURO56.[The 56th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society ofNeurology]Dates: May 20 (Wed) to 23 (Sat), 2015Venue: TOKI MESSE (Niigata Convention Center), Hotel NikkoNiigata---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 56th mobileapplication for the Japanese Society of Neurology ScientificMeeting.By registering to search for sessions and presentations you want toattend as your schedule, you can create an original calendar in theAnnual Meeting period.[56th Japanese Society of Neurology Scientific MeetingTournament Summary  Kai Period: May 20, 2015 (Wed) to 23 (Sat)  Venue: Toki Messe (Niigata Convention Center), HotelNikko Niigata---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 56th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Society of Neurology, find information on the sessions,and plan your entire visit with the official NEURO56 mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know about the56th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neurology, in thepalm of your hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, typeor title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent. + Plan your own personal program and organize your scheduleduring the Congress. + Receive the very latest congress information, withcomprehensive updates on NEURO56.[The 56th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society ofNeurology]  Dates: May 20 (Wed) to 23 (Sat), 2015  Venue: TOKI MESSE (Niigata Convention Center), HotelNikko Niigata---------------------------------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support is as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
第50回日本癌治療学会学術集会 Myスケジュール 1.0
電子抄録集「Myスケジュール」は、学術集会用スケジュール管理アプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。登録したセッションの開始前にはアラートが表示されるので、うっかりセッションを聴き逃すことがありません。また、学術集会ホームページよりパソコン版Myスケジュールもご利用いただけます。※抄録の閲覧にはパスワードが必要です。会員の方:USB抄録集の送付時に同封のご案内にパスワードが記載されております。非会員の方:会場にて抄録集をご購入された方へパスワードをご案内いたします。※スマートフォンのみ対応しております。ご了承ください。Electronic abstracts "MySchedule" is a scientific meeting for schedule managementapplication.By searching the sessions and presentations you want to attend toregister as your schedule, you can create an original calendar inthe Society of the period. Since before the start of the sessionthat registered the alert is displayed, you do not have to missinadvertently listening to the session.In addition, the PC version of My schedule than Scientific Meetingwebsite is also available.※ The viewing of Abstract requires a password. As a member:password have been described in the guidance of the enclosed at thetime of delivery of USB abstracts. Non-members: You will guide thepassword to those who have purchased the abstracts at thevenue.※ We support only smartphone. Please note.
第119回 日本眼科学会総会 My Schedule 1.0.1
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第119回日本眼科学会総会用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[第119回日本眼科学会総会 大会概要]会 期:2015年4月16日(木)~19日(日)会 場:ロイトン札幌,さっぽろ芸術文化の館,札幌市教育文化会館---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 119th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Ophthalmological Society (119JOS), find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know about119JOS, in the palm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on 119JOS.[The 119th Annual Meeting of the Japanese OphthalmologicalSociety]Dates: April 16(Thu.) - 19(Sun.), 2015Venue: Royton Sapporo, Sapporo Geibunkan (Sapporo Art and CultureHall), Sapporo Education and Culture Hall---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 119thNihongankagakkai mobile application for the General Assembly.By registering to search the sessions and presentations that youwant to attend as your schedule, you can create an originalcalendar in Society period.[Times 119 Nihongankagakkai meeting TournamentInformation]  Kai Period: April 16, 2015 (Thursday) to 19(Sunday)  Venue: Royton Sapporo, Nitori Culture Hall, SapporoEducation and Culture Center---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the 119th Annual Meeting of theJapanese Ophthalmological Society (119JOS), find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know about119JOS, in the palm of your hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, typeor title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent. + Plan your own personal program and organize your scheduleduring the Congress. + Receive the very latest congress information, withcomprehensive updates on 119JOS.[The 119th Annual Meeting of the Japanese OphthalmologicalSociety]  Dates: (. Thu) - (. Sun) April 16 19, 2015  Venue: Royton Sapporo, Sapporo Geibunkan (Sapporo Artand Culture Hall), Sapporo Education and Culture Hall---------------------------------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support is as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/
JSMO2015 My Schedule 1.0
プログラム検索&スケジュール登録システム「MySchedule」は、第13回日本臨床腫瘍学会学術集会(JSMO2015)用モバイルアプリケーションです。聴講したいセッションや演題を検索し自分のスケジュールとして登録することで、学会期間中のオリジナル予定表が作成できます。[第13回日本臨床腫瘍学会学術集会 大会概要]会 期:2015年7月16日(木)~18日(土)会 場:ロイトン札幌、ホテルさっぽろ芸文館、札幌市教育文化会館(札幌市)---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the Japanese Society of MedicalOncology 2015 Annual Meeting (JSMO2015), find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know aboutJSMO2015, in the palm of your hand.App features include:+ View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules.+ Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, type ortitle.+ See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent.+ Plan your own personal program and organize your schedule duringthe Congress.+ Receive the very latest congress information, with comprehensiveupdates on JSMO2015.[The Japanese Society of Medical Oncology 2015 AnnualMeeting]Dates: July 16 (Thu) - 18 (Sat), 2015Venue: Royton Sapporo, Hotel Sapporo Geibunkan, and SapporoEducation and Culture Hall in Sapporo, Japan---------------------------------------------------------------------本アプリの開発元、販売/サポートは以下の通りです。【開発・販売/サポート】株式会社 マイス・ワンhttp://www.mice-one.co.jp/Program Search &schedule registration system "My Schedule" is the 13th JapanSociety of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (JSMO2015) mobileapplication for.By registering to search for sessions and presentations you want toattend as your schedule, you can create an original calendar inSociety period.[13th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of ClinicalOncology Annual Meeting Tournament Summary  Kai Period: July 16, 2015 (Thursday) to 18(Saturday)  Venue: Royton Sapporo, hotels Sapporo art andliterature Museum, Sapporo Education and Culture Hall (Sapporo)---------------------------------------------------------------------Get the very latest news on the Japanese Society of MedicalOncology 2015 Annual Meeting (JSMO2015), find information on thesessions, and plan your entire visit with the official mobile app!This new mobile app features everything you need to know aboutJSMO2015, in the palm of your hand.App features include: + View the detailed congress program, complete with sessiondescriptions and schedules. + Browse or search the full schedule of programs by day, typeor title. + See the list of speakers and find the sessions they willpresent. + Plan your own personal program and organize your scheduleduring the Congress. + Receive the very latest congress information, withcomprehensive updates on JSMO2015.[The Japanese Society of Medical Oncology 2015 AnnualMeeting]  Dates: July 16 (Thu) - 18 (Sat), 2015  Venue: Royton Sapporo, Hotel Sapporo Geibunkan, andSapporo Education and Culture Hall in Sapporo, Japan---------------------------------------------------------------------This application vendors, sales / support is as follows.[Development and sales / support]Ltd. mice One    http://www.mice-one.co.jp/